Talks and presentations

Unsupervised domain adaptation with application to urban scene analysis

April 04, 2019

Research talk, Imaging and Machine Learning, Insitut Henri Poincaré (IHP), Paris, France

Abstract In numerous real world applications, no matter how much energy is devoted to build real and/or synthetic training datasets, there remains a large distribution gap between these data and those met at run-time. This gap results in severe, possibly catastrophic, performance loss. This problem is especially acute for automated and autonomous driving systems, where generalizing well to diverse testing environments remains a major challenge. One promising tool to mitigate this issue it unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA), which assumes that un-annotated data from the “test domain” are available at training time, along with the annotated data from the “source domain”. We will discuss different ways to approach UDA, with application to semantic segmentation and object detection in urban scenes. We will introduce a new approach, called AdvEnt, that relies on combining adversarial training with minimization of decision entropy (seen as a proxy for uncertainty).

AI and Industry

March 06, 2017

Tuturial, French Research Ministry, Paris, France