Dynamic visual content analysis
Relevant publications
Diverse probabilistic trajectory forecasting with admissibility constraints
L. Calem, H. Ben-Younes, P. Pérez, N. Thome
ICPR 2022
Neural monocular 3D human motion capture with physical awareness
S. Shimada, V. Golyanik, W. Xu, P. Pérez, Ch. Theobalt
Siggraph 2021 [page,video]
Raising context awareness in motion forecasting
H Ben-Younes, É Zablocki, M Chen, P Pérez, M Cord
arXiv, 2021
ROAM: a Rich Object Appearance Model with application to rotoscoping
O. Miksik, J.M. Pérez-Rua, Ph. Torr, P. Pérez
IEEE Trans. PAMI 2020 and CVPR 2017 [page, code, video]
Determining occlusions from space and time image reconstructions
J-M Pérez-Rua, T. Crivelli, P. Pérez., P. Bouthemy
CVPR 2016
Visual object trapping
T. Crivelli, P. Pérez, L. Oisel
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 153:3-15, 2016
Object-guided motion estimation
J.M. Pérez-Rua, T. Crivelli, P. Pérez
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 153:88-99, 2016
Discovering motion hierarchies via tree-structured coding of trajectories
J.M. Pérez-Rua, T. Crivelli, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy
BMVC 2016
Cotemporal multiview video segmentation
A. Djelouah, J.S. Franco, E. Boyer, P. Pérez, G. Drettakis
3DV 2016
Hierarchical motion decomposition for dynamic scene parsing
M. Pérez-Rua, T. Crivelli, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy
ICIP 2016
Sparse multi-view consistency for object segmentation
A. Djelouah, J.S. Franco, F. Le Clerc, P. Pérez and E. Boyer
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell. , 37(9):1890-190, 2015
Robust optical flow integration
T. Crivelli, M. Fradet, P.-H. Conze, Ph. Robert, P. Pérez
IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 24(1):484-498, 2015
Perceptual principles for video classification with Slow Feature Analysis
Ch. Thériault, N. Thome, M. Cord and P. Pérez
IEEE J. Selec. Topics Signal Proc., 8(3): 428 - 437, 2014
Stochastic level set dynamics to track closed curves through image data
Ch. Avenel, E. Mémin, P. Pérez
J. Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 49(2): 296-316, 2014
Multi-View object segmentation in space and time
A. Djelouah, J.S. Franco, F. Le Clerc, P. Pérez and E. Boyer
ICCV 2013
N-tuple color segmentation for multi-view silhouette extraction
A. Djellouah, J.S. Franco, F. Le Clerc, P. Pérez and E. Boyer
ECCV 2012
View-independent action recognition from temporal self-similarities
I. Junejo, E. Dexter, I. Laptev, P. Pérez
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell. 33(1):172-185, 2011
Multiscale neighborhood-wise decision fusion for redundancy detection in image pairs
Ch. Kervrann , J. Boulanger , Th. Pécot, P. Pérez and J. Salamero
SIAM J. Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 9(4): 1829-1865, 2011
Older publications on visual tracking
Stochastic filtering of level sets for curve tracking
C Avenel, E Memin, P Pérez
ICPR 2010
Tracking closed curves with non-linear stochastic filters
C. Avenel, E. Memin, P. Perez
SSVM 2009
Geometric layout based graphical model for multi-Part object tracking
V. Badrinarayanan, P. Pérez, F. Le Clerc, L. Oisel
ECCV-VS 2008
Robust tracking with motion estimation and local kernel-based color modeling
R. Venkatesh Babu, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy
Image and Vision Computing, 25(8):1205-1216, 2007
Probabilistic color and adaptive multi-feature tracking with dynamically switched priority between cues
V. Badrinarayanan, P. Pérez, F. Le Clerc, L. Oisel
ICCV 2007
Retrieving actions in movies
I. Laptev, P. Pérez
ICCV 2007
On uncertainties, random features and object tracking
V. Badrinarayanan, P. Pérez, F. Le Clerc, L. Oisel
ICIP 2007
Kernel-based robust tracking for objects undergoing occlusion
R. Venkatesh Babu, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy
ACCV 2006
An adaptive mixture color model for robust visual tracking
A. Lehuger, P. Lechat, P. Pérez
ICIP 2006
Robust tracking with motion estimation and kenel-based color modelling
R. Venkatesh Babu, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy
ICIP 2005
Bayesian visual tracking with existence process
J. Vermaak, S. Maskell, M. Briers, P. Pérez
ICIP 2005
A unifying framework for multi-Target tracking and existence
J. Vermaak, S. Maskell, M. Briers, P. Pérez
Fusion 2005
Bayesian tracking with auxiliary discrete processes. Application to detection and tracking of objects with occlusions
P. Pérez, J. Vermaak
WDV 2005
Visual tracking and auxiliary discrete processes
P. Pérez, J. Vermaak
ASMDA 2005
Variational inference for visual tracking
J. Vermaak, N. Lawrence, P. Pérez
CVPR 2003
Maintaining multi-modality through mixture tracking
Vermaak, A. Doucet, P. Pérez
ICCV 2003
Sequential Monte Carlo methods for multiple target tracking and data fusion
C. Hue, J.-P. Le Cadre, P. Pérez
IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 50(2):309-325, 2002
Tracking multiple objects with particle filtering
C. Hue, J.-P. Le Cadre, P. Pérez
IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 38(3):791-812, 2002
Color-based probabilistic tracking
P. Pérez, C. Hue, J. Vermaak, M. Gangnet
ECCV 2002
Towards improved observation models for visual tracking: selective adaptation
J. Vermaak, P. Pérez, M. Gangnet, A. Blake
ECCV 2002
Older publications on motion estimation, segmentation and analysis
Semi-automatic motion segmentation with motion layer mosaics
M. Fradet, P. Pérez, Ph. Robert
ECCV 2008
Cross-view action recognition from temporal self-similarities
I. Junejo, E. Dexter, I. Laptev, P. Pérez
ECCV 2008
Time-sequential extraction of motion layers
M. Fradet, P. Pérez, Ph. Robert
ICIP 2008
Detection and segmentation of moving objects in highly dynamic scenes
A. Bugeau, P. Pérez
CVPR 2007
Extraction of singular points from dense motion fields: an analytic approach
T. Corpetti, E. Mémin, P. Pérez
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 19(3):175-198, 2003
Hierarchical estimation and segmentation of dense motion fields
E. Mémin, P. Pérez
Int. Journal of Computer Vision, 46(2):129-155, 2002
Dense estimation of fluid flows
T. Corpetti, E. Mémin, P. Pérez
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., 24(3):365-380, 2002
Non-parametric motion characterization using causal probabilistic models for video indexing and retrieval
R. Fablet, P. Bouthemy, P. Pérez
IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 11(4):393-407, 2002
Dense motion analysis in fluid imagery
T. Corpetti, E. Mémin, P. Pérez
ECCV 2002
Fluid motion recovery by coupling dense and parametric fields
E. Mémin, P. Pérez
ICCV 1999
Dense/parametric estimation of fluid flows
E. Mémin, P. Pérez
ICIP 1999
Dense optical flow estimation and object-based segmentation with robust techniques
E. Mémin, P. Pérez
IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 7(5):703-719, 1998